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Cine Visuals has a broad range of cinema lenses available for rent from many leading manufacturers such as Leitz, Arri, Cooke, Angenieux, Fujinon, Tribe 7, and more. We specialize in renting the most special, high end cinema lenses for productions of any size all over the world.

In 2012 we took delivery of our first set of Leica Summilux-C lenses and we never looked back. As our inventory continues to grow and expand beyond Leitz lenses, so do our relationships with our valued customers.  

Scott Gleine – Technical Director/Lens Technician  Scott is dedicated to providing the highest standards for every lens rental and service. Over the past few years, he has become one of the industry’s top technicians for Leica and other cine lenses, servicing our lenses as well as providing support to other leading rental houses. He has completed service training certification from Leitz Cine Wetzlar in Germany for Summilux-C, Summicron-C, and Thalia lenses. 

Prior to his time at Cine Visuals, he spent 10 years working for Clairmont Camera, where he learned from the legendary Denny Clairmont and some of the best technicians in the world, working with lenses from all of the industry’s top manufacturers.

Alan Legrady – Lens Technician Alan is a highly motivated and passionate technician. A tinkerer at heart, his passion lies in his work. With years of experience at Hawk Anamorphic’s LA branch, he specializes in anamorphic adjustment, repair and service.

Graham Wheeler-Nelson – Operations Graham is the grease that helps the Cine Visuals machine run smoothly. A recent graduate of Emerson College, he is an ambitious go-getter assisting rentals, shipping/receiving, and the general day-to-day operation of the office.