Artiste Impressionism 2x Anamorphic (FF) | Available Now For Rental
Focal Lengths
39mm | 50mm | 55mm | 70mm | 85mm | 90mm (Macro) | 105mm | 140mm | 190mm
(More coming soon)
Full sets, partial sets, or single lenses available to rent / sub rent from Cine Visuals
Contact us for a rental quote
Artiste Impressionsim 2x Anamorphic
- Full Frame / Large format coverage
- Newly Released
- Rehoused / Expanded versions of Arri Master anamorphics
- t2.6 aperture throughout the set
- PL Mount
- 114mm front diameter (95mm front for 90mm macro lens)
- unqiue visual character

The Artiste Impressionism 2x anamorphic lenses are a unique set of full frame primes that are rehoused and expanded versions of the legendary Zeiss/Arri Master Anamorphics. Each lens in the set has a common aperture of T2.6, and features unique characteristics in color reproduction, light and shadow representation, and flare, which align with the Impressionist painting style. They are compatible with full frame / large format cameras such as the Alexa 65, Alexa Mini LF, Sony Venice 2, and the Red V-Raptor. The Artiste Impressionism set is available to rent or sub-rent from Cine Visuals.